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Test Requirements
Parasites Smear (Giemsa Stain), Blood
Specimen Requirement
<p>Transport 5mL whole blood (minimum 1mL).&nbsp; For best results, send five (5) thin blood smears (unstained, unfixed) AND five (5) thick smeras (unstained, unfixed) in addition to whole blood.&nbsp; Thin and thick blood smears should be prepared immediately or within 1 hour after collection</p>
Room temperature *only*; Refrigerated and Frozen samples are NOT acceptable
Reference Range
4-6 Days; Performed Sun-Sat
Clinical Use
<p>Screen for and detect spirochetes and blood parasites, including microfilaria, Babesia, Trypanosoma and Plasmodium Species.&nbsp; Patient's travel history is necessary to aid in test interpretation.</p>
Test Code

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